[center][color=8dc73f][h2]Sylvi the Barbarian[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Sylvi spent the next week and a half dutifully fulfilling her job as the ship's faithful cook, where she'd spent most of the days in the kitchen below deck, organizing stocks and generally keeping the place upright. Other than that, she'd go above deck, manning the sails where it would be the only time she'd get to socialize with the other crew. Sometimes she would happily insist on accompanying the quartermaster in checking the rations, and other supplies for that matter if he ever happens to pass by her way. Yet in between those she makes sure to take a few breaths every once in a while. She'd take part in the crew's small gatherings to pass time, they were quite genial though there wasn't much to do other than exchanging tales over drinks or betting whoever gets to drink more before the other passes out. Sylvi isn't much of a drinker so she would mostly just watch to her amusement. The week and a half passed and it felt like it hadnt been that long. Sylvie hoisted the merchant flag as they come close to a few hours on the docks of Afton. Halvard loved the visits to Aryllia. He always preferred the stone jungles of the the city, rather than quiet seclusion of the countrysides. Sylvi never really liked the city. It would be the first time she'll set ever set foot there again since her husband's death. The captain briefed them of their objectives. Sylvi should be definitely up for the challenge, though there was still some circumspection in her part, if it were really that dangerous. Though she feared for herself, more so to the crew with her. As she gathered her things below deck before moving out, she was greeted by the enchantress, and with a favor to ask. Sylvi thought it would be ideal to have each other's back if they're ever going to delve into the dangerous unknown. She returned a smile at the shorter woman, [color=8dc73f]"Of course. I'd be happy to. "[/color] She responds. [color=8dc73f]" I'd feel safer myself being close to a skilled enchantress. A great way to compliment each other's strengths, eh?"[/color] the Valian gave her a friendly smile, with a laid back demeanor she casually patted her shoulder, a little bit harder than it should. [sub][@SuperNova9000][/sub]