When Axel said her name, Lee turned to face him across the room. "A house call?" she echoed, expression thoughtful. "It depends, I guess. You're talking about what, general ballroom, nothing overly elaborate, right? If you have a clear room large enough it's not out of the question." She waved at him to follow and headed for her office. The decoration was spartan, with a handful of framed photos on the walls and a few certificates, including a notarized copy of her master's degree. Lee riffled through a drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper. How she identified it was clear once she handed it over: there was a line of braille at the top. "This is a list of my usual rates," she explained. "Private lessons cost a little more than the general classes, and I charge per person, but depending on how many of you there are I'd be willing to negotiate a group discount." Her system was straightforward, with fees determined based on length, frequency, and number of lessons. "The real issue for me is getting to the place you'd prefer to use. Anywhere other than here, and time constraints can become a real issue. I'm not inflexible, but it's generally more convenient for everyone to just use the studio here. I wouldn't be able to say for /sure/ I can accommodate you until I've been there -- since my first time going somewhere can sometimes turn into an inadvertent adventure." The dancer smiled, a mix of apologetic and self-depreciating. "What's the nearest bus route, and how far from it are you?" Lee knew most of the bus routes pretty well, though she'd have to check times. "If it's more than a half-hour ride each way, I may need to charge a bit extra, since I'd be tied up longer. So I guess it comes down to how badly you want lessons there instead of here."