[@Dezuel] Right right right, where do I begin? Well, here; that's a lot of powers. So I'd suggest sticking to one archetype, like the water magic. There's also some things that belong in "the standard anime package" everyone gets, for example tough and strong. You also seem to have a misconception about how teleportation works; the moment the teleporter leaves his old space, they already appear in the new space. So cutting a teleporter in the location he was before is a definite impossibility. No offense meant, but your thermal manipulation is on one hand lackluster and on the other broken. Speaking of breaking, I'm going to say no to any skills like shatter or heat(h)en that are meant to break someone's weapon. So once again; I suggest limiting down to aqua manipulation. Then finally, about water manipulation; it's mostly fine, but there are a few things. Water bubble; Since a bubble is a hollow sphere of water you couldn't exactly "drown" in it, suffocate at most and that'd take a while. Moreover, due to it being water, one could simply step through. Next up, Aqua manipulation; no, you don't get to render opponents 'under your control' with a mere flick of a wrist. You'll have to persuade them in order to do so. Then the hydro whip, it mentions immobilizing, but water on its own has no immobilizing factor. [b]In short:[/b] Quite some changes will be due, but your powers should most definitely be streamlined.