[center][hr][hr][color=lightblue][h1]Alex Rossmoore[/h1][h3]~ Mesalon Pokémon Center ~[/h3][hr][hr][/color][/center] [@Heckno12][@Dusksong][@LuckyBlackCat] Alex brightened up a bit at the idea of spelunking. It would be a great opportunity to bond with some of his new friends and Pokémon. [color=lightblue]"That sounds amazing! Though I haven't done it yet it's always been on my bucket list. And besides, it would be a good distraction from everything that's been going on lately."[/color] Beldum, who had emerged from his pokeball seemed ecstatic at the idea of going into caves, seeing it as a challenge to train and get stronger as well. [color=grey]"Beldum bel!"[/color] Alex chuckled lightly, [color=lightblue]"And beldum seems to enjoy the idea, so why not?"[/color] [hr] [hider=Notes][hider=Team] [color=darkslategray]Beldum - Level 11[/color] [color=limegreen]Wimpod - Level 7[/color] [/hider] [hider=Bag] Pokeball x3 Potion x2[/hider][/hider]