[hr][hr] [center][h1]Juliette Morrison[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54ma9gt7t1qdznpo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Ghal-Priyam; Holloway Co. [sup][b]Post In Collaboration With:[/b] None. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Luna Stevenson ([@Caits]), Constance Holloway ([@Atrophy]) ,Collin Becker, Edward Samick, and Maxine Holloway ([@Mercenary Lord]) and Raymond Rahlei.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] “..Raymond..!” The sound of the now ever familiar voice, the warmth of his arms once more wrapping around her lithe frame; and before she could so much as whisper another word, the two of them were headed towards the door, away from the group, and in turn, away from the woman who had forced the both of them apart not a mere twenty or so minutes beforehand. Her soft blue eyes fluttering to a close, Juliette leant herself further into his embrace, her head resting lightly against his shoulder as he led her further away from the presence of others, and instead into the privacy of the hallway. “Juliette..! Are you alright..? What did she want..? She didn’t do anything to you, did she..?” Her body turned to face his once they had come to a stop, she lifted her head up, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she shook her head, unsure about just where it was that she was meant to even begin… She didn’t want to get married… at least, not to Arn- she wanted to marry for love. To someone she knew for certain that she had feelings for; someone who had feelings for her in return… She wanted to marry someone who was going to love her, for just being her… Lifting her arms up, she reached out to where she could feel his body pressing against her own, her hands coming to a gentle rest over the front of his chest as she shook her head, doing what she could to let him know that she was alright… at least as alright as she could be… “..R-Raymond, I-...” Her words cut off by the sound of the male outsiders voice, Juliette turned her head, her fingers curling gently over the front of Raymond’s top as she searched in the direction she could hear their names being called from, and not a few moments later they were once more on the move, slowly (and albeit reluctantly) following after the rest of the group they had been pulled into- they were leaving..? Relief washed through her very being at the thought. The sooner she was away from the Holloway Company, the better it was going to be; though the nagging thoughts of what was to come continued to tug away at the back of her mind. ..how could things have become so complicated, so quickly..?