Phoebe looked over at Makoto and smiled, returning her wave. She glanced over to Mimic and frowned, before sighing. “We’ve proven we can work together as a team, though, and quite effectively… We did just go on a mission to save half the class, after all. We’re not going to learn by continuing being in a massive group-its just going to leave us not knowing how to grow, if we continue to rely on everyone, isn’t it?” She said, “We need to learn… “ She said softly, before they were dismissed, sighing and going to leave the classroom, to head to her next class. She stopped when her phone buzzed in her pocket, looking at the message. Finding that it was from her father, she was curious, and stepped to the side to open it. Finding that it was a request to greet new students, Phoebe glanced at the time, then decided that if she was late, she was late. She’d have an excuse, at least. Making her way to the gates, Phoebe made sure that she was presentable, brushing back her long red hair, and smoothing her clothes, she bowed, scooping up a mini-chlorofiend-she just never had the heart to take them apart-she stopped at the front gates, waiting for whoever was supposed to be coming. It wasn’t that odd to receive new students throughout the term, although she was always curious about new students. [hr][hr] Kalinda retreated from the shadow when the classroom was nearly empty, and looked towards Mimic. She took a moment, before speaking. “You cannot say that Griffin was a bad partner to me, that we didn’t work well together. You don’t understand how he and Zack work. By there… by supporting him, that is what I can do to best compliment him. Griffin has an animalistic nature. And a lone one at that. Supporting him, like I did, is what I can do. I don’t need to be in the thick of things to be… well, Chaos” She gave a shrug, and said softly “We aren’t all the same, Mimic. You should trust us to know what is best for each other” before walking out the room, hugging herself. She really didn’t want to be around others… and yet, she knew that she needed to get better at this… needed to learn that compete control… so that she could be useful. She drew in a few deep breaths, heading down the hallway, making her way to her next class, with Romanoff.