[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmUxOTM1MS5UbWxqYXlCS2RXNXBjR1Z5LjA,/phat-grunge-bold.bold.png[/img] [color=orange]✦[/color] Changi Bay, Singapore [color=orange]✦[/color][/center] Hushed whispers of nosy bystanders were beginning to turn Nicholas' ears red. There was quite a crowd gathering now. Glaring into the faces of countless strangers who all looked down on him in pity only pissed him off more. Despite being unable to understand the language, it was hard to miss when someone was talking about you. Their stares sharp as knives, the injured young man grit his teeth and let out a low snarl; like a cornered beast ready to pounce. With what little energy he had left, Nick sprang to his feet and thrust his chest out at a young couple who were muttering under their breath. "[color=orange]This ain't a freakin' show! Quit staring![/color]" He spat, the pair shuffling backwards at the young mans threatening outburst. Through the anxious expressions plastered across their faces, Nicholas couldn't tell whether or not they understood him. Though when the young couple, as well as the rest of the group, began to disperse he knew for sure they had taken the hint. Without a need for the tough guy act, Nicholas slumped down against a post and began panting. With the throbbing pain in his ribs and gut, he wasn't sure he could make it much further. "[color=f6989d]Hey, are you alright? You look hurt? What's your name?[/color]" The voice sounded faint and reserved, like that of an angel. That thought really gave cause for alarm. Surely Nicholas wouldn't be so lame as to die from a few aches and a knee to the gut. On closer inspection though, Nicholas saw a young lady rush to his side. The blades in her hands scattered into a flurry of dazzling shards. Nicholas was barely able to speak at the sight, but was happy to accept her assistance in standing up. With an arm slung around her shoulder, Nicholas couldn't help but pass up the opportunity to make light of the situation. "[color=orange]I thought the Prince was supposed to rescue the Princess, yet here we are.[/color]" God that was lame. Straightening himself up as best he could, Nicholas cleared his throat before continuing to talk as if he hadn't said anything. "[color=orange]I'm alright, just got roughed up by some goons. The names Nick.[/color]" [hider=Interactions]Sanata, [@DragonKingUK][/hider]