[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4327756]Previously...[/url] The problem with being an invisible ghostman is that most people don't give a shit about you, because they can't see you. David was almost offended, but there was too much excitement afoot to worry about that now. Rats or some shit. That was exciting, right? Everyone else seemed to think so: they were all jumping out of magic windows and ripping off clothes and boy howdy, people were in a rush. Well, it wasn't like he had much else to do. Phantom became visible again and soared upward past the roof. He waved smartly at his unconscious body up there, and took off toward...wherever everyone else was going. He saw Dragon Heart clearest, running at a literally neck-breaking speed across the city. Phantom followed as fast as he dared: too fast, and he wouldn't know when to stop. He could end up over the Atlantic before he realized how far he'd gone. Too slow, and he'd be left behind. It was a class-A balancing act. One he wasn't very good at. Luckily the rats were huge and irritating, and Phantom could see their trail of chaos from his birds-eye view. This would be a good chance to test a few theories he had about the Phantom. He dove abruptly toward the ground, increasing in size as he came down. He hit the ground as large as he could make the Phantom, roughly the size of a small building. Three stories of phantasmal 'flesh' clipping through walls to settle on the street corner. The Phantom exhaled, and the sound was magnified to represent his current size: a low rumble which shook the ground. He looked quite threatening, he was sure, but embarrassingly enough, that was all he could do. David's Phantom Telekinesis was limited to exerting as much force as his physical body could, no matter what size his illusions were. He could throw punches at his current size, but the dispersion of the force along his huge arms would reduce the strength of his blows to gentle shoves. To really do damage, he would have to shrink down to smaller sizes. But he could terrify these rat things: they were animals, weren't they? Animals like the rest of them: animals could feel fear. He swung his arms through the ground, right at the place where they would be popping out. The little bastards squealed and chittered. They didn't stop coming, unfortunately, but the ones that came out of the hole seemed nervous, woozy even. They swayed as they came forward, staring up at the monster above them with beady-eyed caution. "Only a matter of time before they learn that I'm harmless," he mumbled. Wow, his voice was loud as hell.