[@Hanabira][@OptiPri][@quietkid13][@Polaris North][@KatherinWinter][@Framing A Moose][@Hazy][@sassy1085] As the carriage neared the Fairytalia Academy, a loud voice boomed across the department in which the children sat in. “[color=yellow]Good Morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed the ride. My name is Jacob Grimm and I’m the Vice Principal of Fairytalia. In five minutes we will arrive at our destination, so I wanted to inform you how today is going to go,[/color]” the man cleared his throat and carried on. “[color=yellow]Our attendance officer and your Fine Arts teacher, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, Baroness d’Aulnoy, will be awaiting you at the school gates. She will lead you to the school’s assembly hall where the principal, me and my brother will be explaining the school’s purpose and where we will answer your questions. Later on, you’ll receive your timetable and the information about your dorms, which includes the list of your roommates. Once it’s 7:55, your beauty class teacher will escort you to your class. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay[/color]”