That was probably enough teasing of T'charrl for one day, they didn't want the poor boy fainting from blushing so much. Tala certainly was interested in him but forcing it wasn't going to help anything and that wasn't why they were here, they were here to help T'charrl train. "We'll start slow with the training and work our way up, you'd be surprised what can change in a month," Yusef reassured as he peeled another fruit, "We will be careful my son, we know there's some risk involved with this. But we're not going to treat you like a monster and cage you up either, you're still T'charrl, understand? Unless something happens we'll treat you no differently." Truth be told Yusef didn't know if they even could restrain his son if anything should happen. He'd seen what had happened with Garesh and knew that was well beyond his own power to handle, a lot of it would depend on how capable Haku was. "Y-You'll be fine T'charrl, you're really good at not ch-changing on us," Haku chimed in with a meek smile, tapping his fork on the table nervously when Nema gave him an expectant look. The King probably wanted to hear more about his friend to know what he was like, and what to expect if anything should happen. Probably a good idea to leave out their very first meeting unless he wanted T'charrl's dad to be terribly cross with him. "Wh-when T'charrl changes he gets a lot b-bigger and stronger, b-but he seems to uh... W-Well he seems to still k-kind of know what he's doing... Usually." It wasn't a complete blind rage from what Haku recalled, certainly nothing like an untrained Oozaru going on a rampage. It was scary to be on the receiving end of T'charrl's power but he didn't think his friend would randomly lash out at anyone if he changed. Haku's sentiment however appeared to be his and his alone; King Nema looked a bit troubled by the idea and had something quite different to say to the matter. "Would it make you feel easier if you knew we could restrain you? Would that help?" Most people wanted nothing to do with restraints or being locked up yet for T'charrl that might be the only thing to put him at ease. Nema pushed his plate aside and again placed the large book on the table, grunting as he peeled the pages apart and opened it, flipping through them searching for a particular entry. "Since the spirit is part of the natural world there are ways you can weaken it, which weakens its host in turn. It'd feel a lot like you've exerted too much energy and your whole body would go numb, I'd imagine. And doing it is easy... Aha!" Having to stand on his seat due to his smaller size Nema turned the book around and pointed to an illustration and passage on one of the pages. "There are plants that can be used as a sedative, powerful enough to effect spirits even. In the past it was used for surgery but it would work for us too. And luckily for us they grow here in our kingdom, I could send for some to be gathered now if you'd like. We'd have them for tomorrow for your training." ----------- "Hm... Well here's something to think about perhaps, Viral: I rejected my original purpose too. I wasn't expected to take up Capsule Corporation from my father, in fact I was far more like grandfather when I was younger. Like you I was given a purpose and yet found another, one I didn't think I would ever have. My point is this: just because you are given a job initially doesn't mean it can't change, you aren't made to hold a single role all your life. Now I'm not saying that you cannot be a warrior, or even that you can't only be a warrior. All I'm saying is if you feel your purpose is lost either reinforce it or explore your options. Which I can help with the latter, if you'd like." As Viral was so apt to put himself he'd only ever been given orders and while he did in fact possess free will he'd never if ever been allowed to express it. Part of that certainly had to do with how Vegeta, and perhaps on a larger scale how the Board of Directors had treated Viral after his passing. Aito had ever intention of allowing Viral to be autonomous but after the incident it seemed like he'd been allowed to be anything but. "Say for the sake of argument yes, you're become broken and obsolete. You're a sword that has lost its cutting edge. But can't a sword be refined and sharpened again? Or once a sword dulls do you throw it away? If you feel like you've fallen out of your prime then we can work on returning you to it, don't you agree? What was once can be again if we attack the matter directly."