[centre][color=00aeef][h1][i][b]Arthur Seymour[/b][/i][/h1][/color] [@AnnieTimeNow][@Aquanthe][@HecateProxy][@KimmiNinja][/centre] Despite himself, Arthur found he had quite the appetite. He tucked into the curry before him, going over the day's events in his head and trying to rationalise them. There were no windows in the facility letting in natural light so it would be impossible to tell how much time had passed if he hadn't been wearing his watch. His phone had been confiscated, with a promise for it to be returned once its software had been modified for security purposes, but he had been allowed to keep his watch and, for whatever it was worth, his wallet. He glanced at the analogue clock face, feeling some comfort in being allowed to keep a personal possession, remembering when he had bought it with his first pay cheque almost a decade before. He was distracted when a blonde woman sat at his table, a little further down from him, and after drinking her own cup of medicine stared at him. She wasn't focused on him but her gaze inevitably stayed on him, making him feel self-conscious as he ate until, finally, he put down his fork and returned her stare. [color=00aeef]"You know, it's not easy to eat with you staring at me."[/color] He smiled to soften the implied criticism of his words. Before the blonde could reply one of the other two male residents joined them and introduced himself as Bailey. [color=00aeef]"Arthur, nice to meet you."[/color] He responded, holding out a hand to shake. He couldn't help but smile at the man's facial expression and commentary, sensing something of a similar character to his own in Bailey. Again, before he had a chance to respond to the other's question, the last of the women to take a seat joined their table and sipped at her medicinal drink and she chose to respond to Bailey, glancing around at them. With a sigh, Arthur motioned to the other blonde woman who had seated herself down at a table adjacent to their own. [color=00aeef]"You might as well join us, since you're so close by."[/color] He thought about inviting the other man but he had deliberately seated himself a distance away, indicating his preference to watch and listen, at least for a while, and so Arthur chose not to force him to join them. [color=00aeef]"Normally I'd be sceptical and I think I still am, at least a little. What she demonstrated though... as far as I remember holographic technology is actually impossible and I didn't see any mirrors or windows in that room."[/color] He lifted up his empty cup and pointed the knife at it as if he were going to pierce it. [color=00aeef]"If I remember rightly, the closest thing to a hologram is created by shining lasers or light through a window at a specific angle, usually onto a curtain or some other surface. That room was completely unusable in that sense so whatever she displayed wasn't some kind of special effect, despite how unreal it sounds. Also, I don't think they have any particular reason to lie."[/color] Laying down the cup and knife he interlaced his fingers, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on the platform his hands now made. [color=00aeef]"This place clearly had a lot of resources put into it, considering how few of us are here. I wasn't kidnapped, per se, and they took the time and effort to persuade me it was best to come here. If this was some kind of sinister plot it would make more sense to just to drug us and throw us in a run down prison facility. I assume the same is true for all of you so, although I can't say I hold complete trust in these people, I don't see a reason for them to lie to us just yet, as unbelievable as tha sounds."[/color] He turned to the woman who had first responded to Bailey, his brow furrowed as he recalled what she had said earlier. [color=00aeef]"Although I don't know your situation, I think it unlikely your sister would involve us if she were playing a prank on you. Plus this would be... extensive to say the least for a mere prank."[/color] He shrugged, indicating that he himself wasn't too sure what to think and gestured to the area around them. [color=00aeef]"For now, I see no reason to resist what they tell us. They've prepared a luxurious facility for us and haven't been invasive in any way. If what they say is true then it's important that we follow their instructions and, if they're lying to us in anyway, we need to find out what they're being untruthful about and for what purpose. In any case, it's nice to meet you all and I look forward to our, hopefully, short time together. My name's Arthur, I'm a teacher and professor from Wales in the UK."[/color]