[@Letter Bee][@Tyki] Alright, I think I'm done except for formatting and making the CS look pretty. Criticism welcome, and if I fucked up any lore feel free to slap me silly and call me Nancy. [hider=Clarimonde Sauerstein the Last] Name: Clarimonde Sauerstein Age: 24 Physical Description: Clarimonde is a stout woman, firm of base and a tad busty. She's as strong as she looks, and often was forced to carry wounded soldiers across the battlefield during the Rebellion. That being said, she has a worn sort of beauty about her, like an eroded statue. The war left the beginnings of a few lines across her face, but she's still young. Physical appearance [hider=Clarimonde's Final Portrait] [img]https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/charles-hermans/portrait-of-a-young-lady.jpg[/img] [/hider] Important items: Since the Iron Decree, the possessions of the Sauerstein family were completely confiscated, their estate given to the Emperor’s replacement of their family. She managed to hide away a small, bronze locket with a magically made portrait of her family before they were broken apart, and is actively looking for a few other items tied to her past. Non-enchanted. -Her father Rayner’s rapier, well-made and well-used. Nonmagical, unnamed, but has a small inscription at the base: “Stärke des Blutes, Stärke des Steins.” Location unknown, belongs to the Emperor as a trophy of sorts. -Her mother Wilde’s favorite broach, a palm-sized piece of shaped black onyx with silver filigree. Used to control the magical defenses of Steinholme, currently held by whatever noble the Emperor deemed to place in her ancestral home. -Her brother Amwolf’s bones, to be buried in Steinholme. Location unknown, likely scattered. Short Bio: Clarimonde Sauerstein was born to her mother and father in Steinholme, high atop the Grimrock mountains. The position in nobility had its privileges, but her parents always made sure to remind her that first and foremost, Sauersteins were strong. She attended every execution in Steinholme, was taught tactics, swordplay, and how to tell when loyalty to orders was more important than personal initiative. In particular, she took to medical studies with vigor, fascinated by the paradox of how hard it was to kill and how easy it was to die. That is not to say that her childhood was joyless; far from it. She and her brother were inseparable, and her father showed a side of himself that few had seen in the presence of his family. He told them stories, his grim countenance relaxing into an expressive face full of wonder as he related tales of heroes and villains, legends and love. Her mother taught her court manners, but also how to sneak out the back when politics grew too dull. At nights, she would take her children to watch the skies together, pointing out constellations and shooting stars as they savored sweets stolen from the kitchen. Commonborn, Wilde told them of how to read weather and the beauty of simple joys. It was a good time in Clarimonde’s life, but it was not to last. Eventually, the war came. Her father a major commander in the emperor’s army, he and his loyal forces stood with Du Reich des Goldenen Grahles staunchly… at first. After a time, he was summoned to meet with Emperor Maximilian XV for war counsel. Emerging from his chambers, servants claimed that the noble looked as a ghost, deeply shaken. It came as a shock to the nation when his forces fled from their posts in the night, joining with the Rebellion. Clarimonde herself was surprised, but her father remained silent on the matter. He always just stood there, jaw locked, and said that he couldn’t support his liege anymore. The Empire had too many secrets. Naturally, as time went on, the war went poorly. Clarimonde, seeing her twin brother enlist himself at the bottom rung of the military, as was custom for their family, saw fit to do the same. Though her father would not allow her to fight in the infantry, she enlisted as a field medic, an arguably more dangerous job. Medics were not allowed to carry weapons, in exchange for clemency from enemy forces… supposedly. After a time, she learned to remove the asclepius from her uniforms, as the spellsnipers would actively fire for those who tended to the wounded. She and the other medics secretly learned High magic to defend themselves, as knowledge of magic did not count as a carried weapon. As the war progressed, she brought more soldiers back from the brink than she could remember, losing countless more. Though her parents would not have wished it, this experience, more than any other, taught her what it was to be a Sauerstein. While she was away, the Reich reached Steinholme. Her mother led what defenses there were, but it was not enough.Wilde fell in defense of their home. Amwolf perished on the front lines, his body desecrated and his bones stolen. Her father was captured along with the rest of the leaders of the Rebellion. The war was lost. The Iron Decree came. Clarimonde was to be auctioned off to the highest bidder as a slave. This was not to be allowed. To herself, bound and prevented from using her magic, the newfound heir to House Sauerstein composed herself. She would not show her captors any anguish. She would give those of her blood who fell a proper burial. She would find and save her father from his prison beneath Castle Goldenreche, and do what she could to spite the Empire any way she found. She may be a slave for now, but Clarimonde Sauerstein is not a woman to be trifled with. Starting Faction: N/A, slave. Loyalty belongs to her family, and the legacy of House Sauerstein Spell List: -Minor Constructs(High): The user conjures simple tools and objects no larger than a breadbox, remaining in existence so long as she focuses on them. Traditionally, Clarimonde utilized this spell for field surgery, summoning sterile clamps and scalpels. Occasionally she drinks out of a conjured teacup for kicks. -Lesser Judgement(High): Crude but effective, this spell hurls white bolts of energy, doing damage which cannot be healed by magic. Hits as a crossbow bolt would. -Lesser Ward(High): Simply a ward against other magic, this spell protects its target for a few hours before wearing off. Has no effect against physical weapons. Analogous to chain-mail, the ward does not completely negate other spells, just lessens their effect on the beneficiary. Exceptional Skill List: -Exceptional Will: Clarimonde has seen more than her fair share of death and pain. Holding a man’s intestines in while lightning crackled an inch from her head changed her. Nerves of steel. Functionally, this is the same as mental Toughness, resisting mind-altering affects. Not immunity, but a very strong will against effects of the same level. Fluff-wise, her face is a stone wall. -Exceptional Medicine(x2): Studying under the finest tutors the Sauerstein coffers could afford, Clarimonde then spent several years performing meatball surgery in muddy trenches with minimal supplies. She can’t bring back the dead, but if the brain is alive she’ll damn well keep you that way. [/hider]