Okay, sooo... Although Ghor was kind of my first choice, I feel like the team is pretty heavy on engineering/mechanical types and ranged fighters? I mean, we've got Handsome Jack, Quiet, and John Marston as well as a scientist and AI duo with Team Shen. Might be more interesting to go with the 'weirder side' of a cross-over like this (to use a Marvel Comics/Avengers comparison, the Thor/Doctor Strange side of things to the previously established Iron Man/Hulk/Captain America 'mad science' sci-fi stuff). The Batter is a melee fighter with existential crisis/Weird Fiction vibes, while Abe is more of a crazy 'magical sci-fi' sort of dude. They also offer a nice contrast to each other, with Batter striving to 'purify'/sterilize reality while Abe works hard to help keep the natural order running. Plus they both give crazy NPC options, with the Judges and Specters working as fun antagonists and the Glukkons and Sligs (and assorted crazy diesulpunk tech) as a big corporate/industrial enemy. I'll post them here soon. If you want some more info on Abe's setting, by the way, there's a big ol' wiki right here: http://oddworld.wikia.com/wiki/Oddworld_Wiki