[img=http://freevitathemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/WANDER-AND-MONO.jpg] Mono walked through the field, Agro beside her. She had awaited this day for so long... Now... running towards her with his blue tunic over his canvas shirt and pants, Wander ran towards her. She had lived and died for this moment. Waited so long. She ran to him as well laughing as shimmering tears fell upon her wedding dress; the one she had awoke back from the dead in. As they collided Wander picked her up and twirled her around in the air... and kissed her.... Agro reared up, glad to see her master once more. Wander murmured into Monos ear, sweet words she had missed so long... "Mono..." Her eyes opened. She was laying on the Shrine.. that Wander had sacrificed his life for. She hadn't meant to fall asleep. Now.. ah... her cheeks were wet. She sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes and curled her legs into her body. It was cold. The infant beside her, too, was shivering. She wrapped him in the folds of her dress before moving up to the garden. Within, Agro and the man who called himself Dormin were waiting. She couldn't hold back her spite. "How much longer?" She asked, her dark eyes stony with impatience and anger. Dormin looked up at her, his shadowy form raising its eyebrows in mild surprise. "They will arrive today." His whispy voice reached her ears like a breeze. Faint... and yet strong. "Have patience." Mono grimaced and looked off to the side of the garden, clutching the baby Wander close to her chest. Please, she begged silently, please come. ---- Riin stood atop her horse, Nittyo, gazing across the valley at a large temple only fit.... to well, accomodate a god. She got off Nittyo, patting him on the side as she crouched down to examine the chasm below. Ah, so thats where the bridge to the temple went. The pieces had fallen, no longer connecting to the temple but made a slope to the ground below. "This legend better be fucking true." She hopped back onto Nittyo, kicking him hard and pushing him down into the valley, making him run to the temple. She had no idea what was in store.