[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/5ecf/f/2017/150/1/b/felix_by_fenixking13-dbaxlnu.png[/img] [color=crimson][h2]Felix Williams[/h2][/color][/center] [@Old Amsterdam] Nothing he said at that moment could change what was truth. Dia was right about Felix being an angry person, but it wasn't just skin deeo. Everyone wqs caoable of cruelty to some degree and could be angered.. Felix silently accepted that she had been half right. Sure there was the capacity for good in him but it was smothered by an abusive Father, by being a slave for some 'power' that Felix had not asked for. It had been forced onto him. Just as his Father had forced Felix away from life itself. Stuck in a room with no way out. Days turned into weeks without even seeing another soul. It was only the stars he had to look forward to when the nights werent cloudy. Blowing his frustrations out as a heavy sigh, the troubled youth let the bad moments fade away on the nights sky. As Dia drifted off into sleep, his arm and shoulder being used as a pillow, Felix dropped his insecurities and frustrations in favor of just enjoying someone elses silent company. --------- It had been roughly an hour since laying down, moon still high in the sky, when the sound of talking woke Felix from his brisk little nap. As the moments passed he realized that was not just a few voices. It was dozens. Some got rather loud. ---------- The door to the roof swung open and a fifth year student strode through. Samantha Clemont, a fifth year earth student. Tall and slender of figure, she took in the stars as she moved a strand of her long raven black hair away from her face. When the door slammed shut, she realized there were others here. Being a blunt kind of person, Samantha was quick to start the conversation. "What have we here? Couple of first years hooking up on the roof during the first day of school? You, my dear," She giggled while pointing at Dia, "are a fast worker." Covering her nouth with her hand, she walked closer to the pair and got a good look at the guy. The blush took in her face. "Oh sweety you went for the bad boy!" Sams arms waved back at forth with her excitement. Rumors were already spreading like fire in a dry forest about some of the anomalies in this years batch of initiates. One was a boy who painted with light, and the other was some brazen punk who broke the boring school assembly for the first years by destoying the podium, telling off every teacher, and then had set part of the school on fire! "This is amazing!" Oblivious to the fact that she was supposed to be rounding them up for the event, the hyperactive girl sat down nest to Dia and grinned for ear to ear. "Tell me, tell me, did you two smooch up a storm? Get a little frisky? Coem on girl, Details!" A notorious gossip queen, Clemont would make sure every word said here today would be in the ear of eveey student by tomorrow afternoon. ------- Fist clenched, jaw tight, Felix resisted hisnurge to lash out violently. Caught between embarassnent to outright humiliation, and fearing that Dia would be upset. The fact she was laying on him was the only thing stopping his fist. Caught by surprise, Felix couldn't bring himself to even speak.