As Urik would enter the Rift, he would be welcomed by a twisted parody of the outside world. A large landscape of trees and rivers, swampland and wooden houses similar to the ones in Ramshorn, as far as the eye could see. Most of the houses were sinking into the muck or twisting and collapsing upon one another. Out from the ground, large tree roots, some the size of buildings, twisted around the landscape. The air was hot and humid. There, in the middle of swamplands and decayed houses, was a pristine white building in the center of it all. A large castle, standing like a gemstone in a cesspool. Other than the trees and a few odd insects, there was one other life form visible. Wading in the swamp waters, were a few strange locust like creatures. None of them seemed to acknowledge Urik, most of them just silently wading through the waters.