All of the commotion caused Junko to quickly close her mouth and look around. The water blew her cheeks up like a chipmunk's. Upon seeing the mannequins, the fashionista spit out her entire payload of water into the walking doll's face before wiping her mouth on her arm. Though it wasn't purely out of surprise, she was laughing too. "Teleporting cats, missiles that don't kill, the embodiment of death, walking mannequins just don't surprise me at this point." She rested her bat on her shoulder. "Eh, I have yet to get attacked by anything yet. The fact that there are mannequins nearby means there must be a shopping center nearby." Junko jogged past the mannequins. "If you want to do some serious silent hill shit to me, you'll need to come on back here!" And with that, she vanished inside the clothes store.