[quote]To sort of add to, expand on, or whatever to Vilage's point: material conditions may have more an impact on the individual than anything. The environment on an individual plays a considerably impact on one's development and less so the fact their ancestors came from the Niger Delta, New Zealand, or were Comanche. Human behavior and society adapts to the environmental and material conditions in which it is placed; it stands to reason an individual unremoved from an impoverished society where the total income the person is to receive can not fully match the cost of independent living that the individual will of course may turn to non-violent crime like drug sales to make ends meet. But that can be a whole other issue. [/quote] Environment has an impact but it's not that big. Twins had similar life outcomes and even more similar IQs every time the twin adoption test was done. [quote]I wouldnt even have to go that far, race doesn't exist in any meaningful way. [/quote] Yes it does.