Nah fam I'm a peace loving lefitst, meanwhile you think black people ( i know how much you want to use the n word by the way) or on average dumber than white people??? What are you basing this on, Mengele's research? Or is the vodka playing with your head? "Oh, but I said I want to preserve all cultures!" that's pretty blatant bullshit conciliatory racist language; race does not exist and humans having sex with humans produces other humans of the human race. I don't have to fuck off, hatemonger. Your views are shit, and wrong, and no matter how much you stroke your pin-dick to your own self-given sense of superiority because of the color of your skin/country of origin. Ya went and got hoodwinked by Alt right propaganda! Your brain is much too small. edit: I'm leaving in that unfinished sentence because I know you'll point it out, you fucking nerd.