[@Ace of Hearts] [quote]Nah fam I'm a peace loving lefitst[/quote] [quote]kill the alt right[/quote] either this is bait or you are stupid beyond points imaginable. I also think Asians are smarter than whites, so fucking what? [quote]Or is the vodka playing with your head? [/quote] That's pretty chauvinistic and of stereotypes and goes even further to show just how hypocritical you are. [quote]that's pretty blatant bullshit conciliatory racist language;[/quote] okay dude [quote]I don't have to fuck off, hatemonger. Your views are shit, and wrong, and no matter how much you stroke your pin-dick to your own self-given sense of superiority because of the color of your skin/country of origin. [/quote] "You said X but you're lying and you actually meant Y" [quote]Ya went and got hoodwinked by Alt right propaganda! [/quote] because I hate jews, want an ethnostate for just whites, etc. etc. this is just more of the association tactics where you find one or two similarities to some "ebil" people and then say I am them. [quote]Your brain is much too small. [/quote] doesn't change the fact that I am wrong or that you fail to provide any proof otherwise, and even if my brain is smaller I'm still probably smarter than you, even if I do say so myself :^)