[quote=@Andreyich] [@Ace of Hearts] either this is bait or you are retarded beyond points imaginable. [b]There is no peaceful doctrines in alt-right thinking; given power and influence, they will use violence against their targets of hatred; Nazi Germany, The Klan during it's height. Removing dangerous people who believe in Alt-Right bullshit will keep many other people safe, like jews who you mention hating. [/b] I also think Asians are smarter than whites, so fucking what? [b]It goes to show that you're a fucking idiot who thinks real life is a video game ASIANS + 2 INTELLIGENCE [/b] That's pretty chauvinistic and of stereotypes and goes even further to show just how retarded and hypocritical you are. I don't give a fuck, ruskie, you lost the cold war and the red army only beat the germans because they had enough men to die and rape. okay dude [b]Not a dude; trans in fact. Go ahead and say something, fam.[/b] "You said X but you're lying and you actually meant Y" holy shit you're retarded [b]Oh man you're so badass, though you rely on that word a lot, you must have a small vocabulary. [/b] because I hate jews, want an ethnostate for just whites, etc. etc. this is just more of the association tactics where you find one or two similarities to some "ebil" people and then say I am them. [b]That is exactly the kind of shit that leads to Nazi Germany, (haha ebil I mispronounce words to sound like a fucking moron for humor but people laugh at me and not with me) and no matter how much fucking bullshit, pretentious snark and sarcasm you surround yourself with, you sound like a fucking dumb piece of shit ignorant asshole. Everyone else here thinks that, they just won't say it. [/b] doesn't change the fact that I am wrong or that you fail to provide any proof otherwise, and even if my brain is smaller I'm still probably smarter than you, even if I do say so myself :^) [b]I don't need to provide proof; I'm not arguing with you. I don't have to, I'm not obligated to, and I wouldn't want to. I wouldn't argue with a fucking barking dog, who took a big shit in my kitchen and then said he didn't. I can see it and smell it, and I know I didn't. [/b] [/quote] You're too fucking stupid to know why racism is bad. that's all I really need to say.