Not surprised by her best-of-friends' friend, and not having much money to contribute, Daisy stood idly by. She could always sing. She'd done it here before. She knew she confused people here, with their strange views that tieflings were only fiends - turns out there are denizens of the feywild that have much the same...arrangement with humanity. She didn't know the story behind it, but people usually believed her if she told them she was from there instead. She was also none too surprised by the goblin. Any other part of the town, she'd have assumed he wouldn't have survived. Regardless, as Ceria began looking for the rooms, Daisy took her by the hand and flirtatiously winked at...the goblin. "You're not for needless bloodshed, are you? I'd hate to think we were on opposite sides in that regard." A sigh. "And I don't know what to make of our new compatriot yet. I hope you are willing to work together with me for safety in numbers if she or the crazy one...err...the crazy lady - I don't discriminate against the differently-religioned - were to be...problematic." As she continues to speak, Daisy's voice becomes more of a song. "Hopefully, my paranoia on this matter comes to nothing and we can all be the best of friends, slaying all the monsters together." [hider=Crunch]Nothing. Just talking. ^_~[/hider]