Jumping out of a window was one of the primary ways of getting into action as an Epic these days. The High Island would repair them after you, and if you were able to then it was good fun. Alto fell into that category, and there were a lot of ways he could do it. He could land on his Vice Claw, and no matter what size it was it'd be able to take the fall. He could also hold on to the side of the building and scrape his way down the wall, which would also end up being fixed by the High Island. Right now though, he wasn't doing any of that, he was just taking the stairs. Reason being that he needed to get his suit-jacket off, and he couldn't do while he was running all that well. As for why he was taking it off, it was because it'd probably look cooler. Jerry had told him to start watching his appearance and while initially he hadn't cared so much, he sort of understood why. There was a certain image Epics gave off, and the public was certainly attached to that image. It was sort of like old-world celebrities which Alto hadn't been alive for, but he'd seen comparisons. Luckily for Alto, the main part of Vice was the Vice Claw so having relatively plain clothes was alright. But now that he was wearing a suit, he had to look good in it. Him fighting would probably look the best without the suit jacket on and he didn't need to hurry so much. He pledged to help the people all that time ago, but in events like this even he had to consider what would be the most efficient route of action. There had been big events like this before, and he'd seen that it was entirely possible to go without casualties. But still, a Swarm Rat event was the kind of event that had a higher risk for the Normals in the city. Swarm Rats were fast, resourceful, and sneaky. There was a always a chance one could slip past you, but Alto wouldn't let that happen. "Fire's good for extermination after all..." He muttered. He took the necklace off of his left arm and the Vice Claw roared to life.