"Great elder stars of the heavens, [i]Zig[/i]" John muttered under his breath. The old amoeba was flying around the room, disturbing the calmer customers around the restaurants and spewing out green sleeping gas, that most annoying of health hazard. John was quick, however. He pulled out a scroll from one of his pocket and whispered the spell written on it. As it's spoken in a language that the Universal Translator somehow can't get a hold of (more likely, the wizard who sold him the scroll was just messing with him), it's best to just move on to describing the effect of the spell: the sleeping amoeba was suddenly surrounded in a bubble of water-like substance, enclosing the gas and preventing them from leaking out. The scroll in John's hand burned up as he finished the spell. He sighed. He turned to the microphone behind him again. "Hey." "Yeah, it's Zig," he continued. "Okay, yes. You told me so. Now can you get him? No, don't burn him up. Just put him in one of the rooms*." * (Because of course the Restaurant has bedrooms. It can be rather hard to call a cab for a passed out customer when there are no longer cabs in the universe, or roads, or homes for those you're calling the cab for) "Yes. Thank you." John pressed the mic off. A voice boomed from the loudspeaker throughout the room. It was definitely not John's voice. It was much more in charge than anything you can expect coming out of everyman John's voice. It's the kind of voice you expect from a higher-up, a superior, from the owner of a place as bizarre as this. The voice said, in calm apologetic manner, "We apologize for the earlier disturbance. Please, return to your meal. If you or a loved one is feeling sleepy, be assured that the Restaurant is a safe place to doze off for a second." That done, John returned to watching the room. The gas were contained, but some might have seeped out. The Authoress and Cledwynn were carrying on as if nothing was happening. Mr. Trouble was, wait, was he trying to seduce the little girl? It didn't seem to be working. And Mr. Sports Jacket... was almost dropping into his plate. John went over to check on him. "Are you alright, sir?" he asked the man, who did not look quite okay. John turned to Abigail... who was no longer Abigail, but has transformed into another woman entirely. Okay, sure. "I think he might've been affected by the sleeping gas." [hr] [hider=Situation Notes] [b]Latest event:[/b] Ziggletrox flew around the room and, before he fell asleep, released sleeping gas. It's now contained, but some people might be affected. [b]People on the bar:[/b] Conversing: - Cledwynn Magouloura, a half-ghost half-mechanical, looks mildly intoxicated. - The Authoress, an emotionless being who looks like a teenager girl. Conversing: - Pridopus, a short figure covered entirely in fabric, awfully hungry. - Sen, an omnipotent little girl with her meal in front of her, chatting with Pridopus - Sandy Cane, a space bounty huntress, having her fries and hot dog. Conversing: - Levi, a bearded 33-year-old man in a sports jacket, falling into his food. - Thalitha, an Author's Ambassador, a calm blonde woman in a tan duster - The Infamous's scantily-armoured drow and vampire. - The Infamous, trying to get close to Yylya - Yylya, a teenage elven girl [b]On a table[/b]: - Sen's guards, having drinks [b]Floating in the middle of the room[/b]: - Ziggletrox the Destroyer, a dragon-shaped amoeba, out cold and enclosed in a bubble full of his own sleeping gas. [b]Other Staffs:[/b] - Robin, a human waitress, currently behind the bar. [/hider]