Sorry for the delay, here is my CS. [hider=Ulrus] [hider=Appereance] [center][img][/img] Human form: [img][/img] [/center] [/hider] Name: Ulrus Domain of Fear and Monsters: Monster Creation: Ulrus has the power to peek into the souls of lesser beings and see what they are afraid of. From there Ulrus uses the elements, either individually or a mixture of them to create a creature capable of evoking that same reaction. These creatures range from simple animals with no sentience that is just looking to survive to sentient beings capable of using magic to better themselves. The more intelligent and the more abilities it has, the more elements it will need, and it will take more time. Shapeshifting: Once a creature has been created by him, Ulrus can shapeshift completely or partially into that being, even mixing it with other creations to achieve better results. Fear Aura: An area around Ulrus where most beings that aren't very brave or stupid slowly become paranoid to their surroundings, fearing for a hidden terror that isn't there, till they go mad, escape for their lives or Ulrus deactivates his aura. Nightmare Illusions: A process similar to his monster creation, but instead of creating the monster in the flesh Ulrus uses magic to create an illusion. The illusion follows Ulrus commands and has no thoughts of their own, and while they can not harm someone physically, they can affect the psyche of their victims by making them believe his injuries are real. Fear Removal: Unlike what most people think, a person without fear is not brave, just insane, but still there is always someone who come to him asking him to remove their fear, believing they can make themselves braver. Firstly giving him a few test to see if they could survive the procedure and if they pass warn them about the risk of not feeling fear. If they still accept Ulrus will peek into their soul, and with his hand rip the fear from it, leaving an empty hole where fear was. Those who have no fear usually don't last long, they sub estimate their capabilities and die a fool's death. Personality: Ulrus is a serious god that doesn't like using his powers to help his followers directly. Instead, he prefers to slowly test them and give them opportunities for them to obtain what they want. While he has some followers, he prefers not to be worshiped especially since most of them either want power or a solution to a problem they already have. Ironically despite being the god of fear Ulrus hates cowards as he believes that the emotion fear should be reserved for real threats to one's life and not petty things. [/hider]