[@Dezuel] I'd expected that saying skills "like" would've been enough, but it seems not. Swordsmanship and quick are two skills that are pretty average for anime fighters, so those too, should be scrapped as they're something everyone'll have.? Then, flight, I get that you want it, but with this description it makes no sense. Now, I've also been considering the big blob of water, and have eventually decided against suffocation-based attacks. I know it wasn't in the rules, but bear with me here. The blob had one notable thing that I found rather out of place; a shield against fire. Why is that a feature for a blob rather than the [i]barrier[/i]? (barriers being meant to block things.) Instead your barrier has this odd thing where... It... Grabs people? Like, whut? How? Water doesn't realy get a lot of grip on people, to begin with. I'd also suggest changing water sense to work with water he's in contact with, so that he can actually use water not created by his own ability. In other news, the format for mentioning is [ @Username ]