[centre][b][h1][color=lightcoral]Cassandra[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m386aaxvMR1rumgpxo1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@December][@BlackPanther][@Damo021][@Vicier][/centre] [hr][hr] Cassandra could hear her father, angry no doubt because of the treatment Syleste had received… And for a moment she didn’t even stop to consider [i]how[/i] she could hear it. She just knew that she had rarely heard her father that angry. And she didn’t like it… he was too hard on himself… too hard on others, holding them in the same esteem that he held himself. She sighed, knowing she couldn’t do anything. Maybe, though, he’d find the twix she packed for him. Just how could she hear him? He was yelling, but… just what was happening in her body? To do this, she was fundamentally changed down to her DNA. For a moment, Cassandra nearly panicked. If that was so… what would be the long term effects? It was only the fact that she felt that she had to be strong for her friends that stopped the panic attack from taking effect. A slight change in her breathing would perhaps be all that was noticed. And her fast beating heart. Meeting Sebastian’s glance again, she smiled. [color=lightcoral]”Well, I can’t give you a new leg, but rest up, and take your medications, and you’ll be right as rain in a few weeks”[/color] She said, wishing everstill that she could do more. She reached out to take Sebastian’s hand, [color=lightcoral]”And if you need anything, we’ll all be happy to help!”[/color] she said, noticing that Sebastian seemed to have gone quite… reflective, and she wondered why… [color=lightcoral]”Really, Sebastian, is everything okay?”[/color] She asked softly, her gaze concerned, worried. Was he hurt more then he was letting on?