[@AdmrlStalfos19] Power of Friendship is a good power, and I'm intending for it to be viable whenever it is invoked, but you can swap it to another with a silver or shift the roll result to an adjacent power with a bronze, of course. [@BrokenPromise] I think the MG character sheet had a different scale for how Vit works, but 30 would be recognized as durable in story. Also, your character reminds me of another [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/mahou-shoujo-ikusei-keikaku/images/d/d3/Captain_Grace_full.png/revision/latest?cb=20170108040549]pirate-themed magical girl[/url]. :ou [@Vocab] Players may make 2 active characters from scratch, so you can make a new character and still keep your old one. [@ShyDot] Yep, this is not tabletop, so stats can be thought of as guidelines that help define how characters approach a conflict rather than determine who gets to win one. Edit: mentioning someone with an edit doesn't alert them, FYI.