Having chosen one of the narrower paths, Vera was forced to slow down as the surrounding area gradually fogged up, the view in front of her eventually clouded by an almost opaque screen of mist. Her paranoia immediately heightened at this lack of visibility. The fog allowed umm... things, to hide from view, and they could be nearby, quietly waiting to jump out at her. No, she had to stop looking up at the ridiculously thick mist around her. Doing that only made her imagine what could be creeping about, and that did no good whatsoever. There was no point in scaring herself before anything happened, instead, she directed the beam of her phone flashlight towards the ground to ensure that she stayed on the path and didn't trip over anything, though the thick fog made even that quite a challenge. Her increasing concentration on the ground slowly took her mind off of her surroundings as she carefully progressed along the path, and it wasn't long before she even shut out any subtle sounds around her. It was at this time, when she was not at all braced for any surprises or sudden event changes, that a small one gave her the biggest fright of the night. Well, the biggest so far, anyway. Vera let out a high-pitched yelp and stumbled to the side right after feeling her shoulder brush against something. She took a couple of quick, deep breaths to calm herself before frantically waving her hand between herself and whatever she had knocked into, hoping to temporarily clear the fog to see what it was. She also raised the beam of her flashlight in that direction, and as a bit of the fog was waved away, finding herself shining it right in the face of another student. He didn't look all dressed up to jump scare anyone, as she imagined the seniors would be, so she figured he was another participant. "Oh, uh... hey there love, sorry about that," she began, the thought of lowering her flashlight having slipped her mind. [@CriticalHit] [@Kalleth]