The fighting had finally died down. Monica walked out from her hiding space to view the aftermath. The swarm rats were dead, taken out from various Epics and police officers. Many people looked semi-injured, and were being led to nearby ambulances which had just arrived. Well, looks like she'd finally be of some use. First were a few civilians. Most has a few cuts and bruises. Nothing life-threatening. Looking around the various injured people, everybody seemed to have some sort of care. But then her attention came to a young man, covered in blood. He... didn't look so good. As Monica made her way over to him, she realized that he was also nearly naked, just in a pair of boxers. Well, she'd seen lots of naked people in her line of work, so she simply put the thought aside. That only brought her attention to several dead swarm rats around him. She guessed he was quite the fighter. After making to him, she introduced herself. [i][color=fff200]"Hey there. I'm Monica. You might know me as Yeagnasae. Mind if I fix you up?"[/color][/i] Before he could answer, Monica had a hand raised towards the sky, trying to use and sort of sunlight to power her...power. She placed her other hand on him and watched as his wounds closed and were healed in no time at all. [color=fff200][i]"Well, I think that should do it."[/i][/color]