Alex took a shaky breath, dropping to her knees. She'd taken a brief breather inside Spectrum's shield. "Spec, you have no idea how nice this is," she panted. "I've never seen a swarm like this. So many. And they just keep coming. Can't even guess how many times I've saved people. Pushed it. My brain hurts." Alex felt like she was rambling, but she didn't have time to worry about it. Unsteadily she rose to her feet, taking a moment to stretch her body. Nearly falling over, she laid a hand gently on Spectrum's shoulder. "Keep up the great work, girl..." She muttered, her eyes scanning the area again. [I[There [/I]. She swapped with a stop sign, perhaps someone entering the safe zone would want it as a weapon, and engaged a pack of rats. Anyone watching might have a hard time following her, as she swapped herself constantly with rats and objects while cutting down rats as she went. She came near Stark, waving as she passed in front of him for a second, before she hit the ground hard. As the rats descended on her, Alex opened a door right beneath herself, falling through into the second floor of a nearby building. "Fuck," she muttered, wincing. "Can't believe one of them managed to trip me up..." [@Athoriel][@Regitnui]