[@December][@Caits] [color=gold] [h2] Magnus Bane [/h2] [/color] [hr] Magnus paused before studying Leo. [color=gold]"I have some patients of my own I should check on."[/color] Magnus started the car and drove to the veterinarian office. Once there he parked and gestured for Leo to follow him. He had a habit of going in even on his days off to check on the animals that were his patients. Magnus strode in and went directly to the back where some cages held his patients. He sweeper the area with his eyes and each creature seemed to get into a better mood. He lightly opened a cage on the bottom and held a rather large piebald ball python. The snake pressed its head against Magnus and he gave a smile. [color=gold]"They all seem better."[/color] he carefully put the snake back before opening the cage to a sleek black cat who seemed to be missing one golden eye. [hr] [h2] [color=lightgreen]Aron Brooks[/color] [/h2] [hr] Aron watched as Cody picked out things and felt himself grinning. He didn't know why, but he loved this. Maybe it was how he never really went to the mall and now he went with his boyfriend. Or maybe he just liked having Cody pick things for him. He had no idea, but he was really enjoying the trip. Aron's thoughts were traveling aroun through what Cody had said...part of him wondering what would have happened if he had come out sooner to Cody. He blinked as flared his nostrils and got a healthy dose of several scents...but he focused on Cody's. He blinked when Cody spoke and snapped himself out of it. [color=lightgreen]"Sure. Then we can go wherever you want to"[/color]