[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] Almack's[/center][hr][hr] Had Virginia not been regarding the beautiful tiger, she perhaps would have noticed Thalken burst into the room. While she heard his curses, she did not tilt her head in his direction. As the Grand Duchess welcomed her to pet the tiger, Virginia smiled more than she had before that evening, yet there was still a hint of sadness in her eyes. Kneeling as to be on eye level with the tiger, she pet him delicately, in awe of the beautiful creature. She could not help but imagine that James would have loved to see the tiger as well. As Mary asked for permission to be excused and the Grand Duchess granted it, Virginia removed her hand from the tiger. [color=9999ff]"Thank you,"[/color] she said, though it was not clear whether her thanks was to the tiger or the Grand Duchess, or perhaps both. She rose back to her feet, catching a glimpse of Thalken as she did. For a moment, she did tilt her head at him, seeing the wildness his eyes. But she more noted his fear of the tiger. It was a fear she herself could not understand, having been raised to see the beauty in the most fear inducing things. Her attention was then consumed by the entrance of Vlad, the Great Bazhooli as Veta introduced him. She almost felt compelled to applaud as he landed in a bow after a flip, blades in his hands all the same. It was a feat she doubted most inside Almack's that evening could accomplish, with the fat bellies and rose tinted glasses of the ton. But her attention was caught again by the tiger, as it yawned and looked prepared to take a nap. It was perhaps the most adorable sight she had ever seen. [i]Mamushka?[/i] Virginia abruptly turned her head to peer at Vlad. It was a word she had only heard members of her family utter. It was their dance, one done at times of great celebration, one done for reunions and for triumphs. She knew that the dance had been in her family for ages and that their family was a large one, but to hear a stranger say the word...It was startling. But recalling Veta's interest in her last name earlier, she could not help but ponder if she had some relation to the Russians here. It was the most logical explanation. [color=9999ff]"It is an honor to meet you, Great Bazhooli,"[/color] Virginia replied, giving a slight curtesy to the man. Could she hold some relation to Vlad and Veta? It was an intriguing possibility, and had her father been present, she likely would have posed the question at him at once. He never did mention the Crypt family possessing power in Russia, after all. [hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/nvq4ksl7p/maeve.png[/img] [img]https://s12.postimg.org/v4ysdqh4d/Regency_Chloe_13.gif[/img][hr][color=ff6600]Location:[/color] Teriny Inn[/center][hr][hr] The room was more than she could have hoped for or expected, after the terrible journey by boat she had undergone, all to reach Scotland. Setting her things down next to the bed, Maeve slipped off her shoes and felt the floor with her toes, finding something calming in the sensation. Pulling the ribbons out of her hair that kept it up, her dark auburn hair fell down past her shoulders, and she shook her head slightly, letting her hair just be. She glanced out the window, smiling slightly as she saw the moon in the sky. She could not help but imagine that Roisin would be looking at the same moon with excitement, begging her Uncle Finnian to reveal the secrets of the night sky. She signed a quick prayer as she gazed out at the moon, hoping for protection and happiness for her daughter. It was the same prayer she made each night, finding that Sign Language brought, for her, another level of spirituality to it. The tranquility of the room was shattered as she heard a large crash from downstairs. She rolled her eyes lightly, knowing instantly who the culprit was: Calum. He was a funny and sweet lad, but possessed the skills of a babe when it came to walking about. She couldn't help but wonder if he had ever knocked his own home to the ground before, never suspecting that his clumsiness perhaps had an added cause this evening. He was a protestant, after all, from what she could glean. She paused a moment, listening to see if there were any further calamities, but hearing none, she made her way over to the bath that had been drawn. The petals floating on the water brought a smile to her face. It was far fancier than she expected for a humble inn, truthfully having been picturing simply a tub of hot water earlier. The scent was lovely, she couldn't deny, and she prepared herself to bathe, looking forward to this simple luxury.