[quote=@mdk] To clarify, because I feel like I have to -- I don't buy any of that bullshit about racial intelligence traits or whatever. [/quote] I mean to be honest I never pegged you as a racist, but its nice to see clarification, I know someone like [@pugbutter] would probably silently agree and make sure he didnt denounce any of the racial shit being said here. Overall, I see what you are getting at, [b]celebrating[/b] diversity and differences a lot of the time can be very positive. But I think what that commie bastard Dihn was trying to say was that in response to someone drawing genetic lines on something as arbitrary as race as a means to discriminate and literally kick them out of them country for being brown, then they need to be reminded that they are indeed a human and an individual just like you. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] >says he will keep it brief >wall of text :D But yes I mostly agree with you, differences between groups are not prominent enough to be scientifically measured, and genetic traits among 'clusters' of groups arent drawn along our social understanding of 'race' anyway. There is no black or white or Asian gene. I was more interested what you thought about the "I dont want brown people in my country" statement. [@Ace of Hearts] and you, can please fucking stop with the flaming? Everyone in here, even the right wingers like mdk and I would HOPE sleeping silence, are against this racist stuff, but when you start calling people names all it does is validate them by giving them a victimhood excuse, now they can render all criticism null and void because you are attacking them personally instead of taking apart the argument. So in this instant [@SleepingSilence] was right, stop using insults to make a point, they only thing its damaging is the thread.