[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Ace of Hearts] and you, can please fucking stop with the flaming? Everyone in here, even the right wingers like mdk and I would HOPE sleeping silence, are against this racist stuff, but when you start calling people names all it does is validate them by giving them a victimhood excuse, now they can render all criticism null and void because you are attacking them personally instead of taking apart the argument. [/quote] [i][b]Babby Leftist's First Fight[/b][/i] sorry if I don't respect racists, pal, I don't really see the need to, nor do they deserve it. You and the mods might roll out the red carpet for regressive, hateful thinking, to allow it in order to 'respect all opinions' but I won't. also right winger is synonymous with racist. also their sense of victimhood is false; being made fun of on the internet isn't the same thing as having the governments of the west systematically brutalizing non-white people for contrived, bullshit reasons. Edit: and i'm pretty sure I do take part of the argument, I just don't use pseudo-intellectualism to color my words. I call racists like I see em; racists.