[@SleepingSilence] 'Implied' my ass. You do realise if I thought you were a racist, I would just call you one right? I would think by now, you'd see that the one thing I do not have (to my own detriment) is a filter, I dont imply anything if I can just outright say it. If you think I secretly think youre a racist then you are paranoid, dont know what else to tell ya. And I'm going to ignore the strawman of progressives in their mansions because I doubt anyone in this thread lives in a mansion, or is even calling you a racist you are being defensive against people who arent even here. This black ghetto thing is getting so stupid I'm actually getting midly offended even discussing it, bringing up being mugged by crazy homeless people like that has anything to do with race is just confusing. But I'm pretty sure you are arguing with me just to save face now. So I'll get back to my edgy memes if its all the same to you. Also I fully realise that you dont agree with ethno nationalism or racial science, I was simply stating that it was a bit of a shame to not see you visibly argue against it, like you do with damn near everything else you dont agree with on here....[b]STILL DONT THINK YOURE A RACIST BTW![/b] So please for the love of god just relax.