[quote=@Andreyich] I mean, racism is just prejudice, it's not hate and let's face it prejudice is natural for nearly every thing, be it race, gender, appearance, weight, etc. etc. etc. Racism =/= hate [/quote] I agree with you that not all racism is hateful. I think some people have this extremely low standard of racism that racists are all running around in white hoods with lynch rope or marching up and down the street in SS uniforms. The average racist probably isnt even an angry dude, he just might not want to live around asians for whatever reason. Still makes him a racist, but not a hateful person. And 'natural' is very debatable, you can have a prejudgement but it depends where you go with that judgement that actually makes your actions or your attitudes racist. You can see a black dude and think 'hmm he might be good at basketball' but then stop and think hey WHY do I think that, is it because of his skin colour or is it because this guy happens to be tall and healthy looking? Racism is villified because it attributes things to people based on something that they cant control, which is hurtful and doesn't really take into account the individuals free will or personal opinions. Grouping that guy down the street who you say hi to in the morning as 'one of the brown people' while attributing to how all brown people supposedly behave or think takes away that persons individuality and ultimately de-humanises them. Its just not a good way to interact with your fellow man.