[hider=Abe] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5jYzYzMDAuUVdKbC4wAAAAAA,,/warmonger-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] [b][center]The Hero of Oddworld... yeah, they're not too optimistic about it either[/center][/b] [Center][img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/oddworld/images/d/d6/Abe0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101221115651[/img][/center] [center][h2] [b][ Unknown | Mudokon | Oddworld | Male ][/b] [/h2][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDoee1dUJs4[/youtube] [/center] [h3] [b]APPEARANCE, PERSONALITY, & BACKGROUND [/b][/h3] [b][u]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE [/u][/b] Short and skinny, Abe isn't a very impressive fellow by human standards, barely 5 foot tall. With a generally poor diet and a life-time of hard labour, he is perpetually 'too skinny' and lacks the weight of musculature common to humans. Mudokon skin tones reflect their moods, and while most Mudokons have the basic green hue most of the time, the calm weight of the sadness he feels for his people has left him with permanently blue skin. With large orange eyes, he can see clearly in both bright light and deep darkness, and his wide, flat feet are durable and flexible enough to make it easy for him to run in a variety of conditions. His four fingered hands are a little shorter and stubbier than most, and his back and hands are marked with a variety of scars - some from his years of slavery, others as part of ancient traditions since escaping. Like most Mudokons, Abe is not an especially modest fellow and wears nothing short of a simple brown loincloth. But that's okay - life is short, his skin is itchy, and farts are best left free. [b][u]PERSONALITY ASPECTS [/u][/b] -- Clumsy & Clueless -- Compassionate -- Anxious -- Brave -- Angered by injustice; sometimes prone to vengeance -- Eco-friendly -- Spiritual -- Sneaky [b][u]BACKGROUND INFORMATION [/u][/b] Abe was not always the hero of his kind. Like so many other Mudokons, Abe was hatched into slavery, his own mother forced to stitch his lips together to prevent him from crying - and thus save him from being killed. A harsh, short life of loneliness, hunger, and despair on the Magog Cartel owned meat-processing plant of Rupture Farms. But one day, something happened that changed his life. While cleaning the floors near the board of directors meeting room, he overheard a dark secret. With profits falling and many of the animals they processed for meat being driven to extinction, the big bosses in charge realized they needed a solution, and quick. They needed meat, and they sure did have an abundance of slaves... Forced to flee for his life, Abe escaped into the jungle and was reunited with the few remaining free Mudokons who had preserved their culture in such dark times. Learning the mysterious secrets and prophecies of his ancestors, he mastered the art of chanting and used this ancient power to free many of his people and to destroy Rupture Farms. A great victory struck, Abe soon realized that Rupture Farms was only one of many such factories and corporations, all greedily consuming Oddworld's resources and wildlife on the broken backs and sweat of his people. Setting off with a few 'willing volunteers', their next target was Soulstorm Brewery, where the bones of the Mudokon ancestors were being mined for use in the addictive Soulstorm Brew. Through many trials, here too he succeeded in destroying a number of powerful industries and saving his people. Then [color=9e0b0f][b]The Event[/b][/color] happened. Oddworld, finally seeming like there might be some spark of hope against the industrial tyranny of the Glukkons, was torn into pieces and its many strange lands scattered across the new worlds. Abe and his steadily growing tribe were likewise scattered and separated, and Abe soon found himself wandering a strange and desolate land, the guidance of his ancestors now merely a memory. Arriving at this strange town of 2Fort, Abe desperately hopes for some answers and a way to restore the world - or at least the Mudokons - before the survivors are lost forever... [h3] [b]CHARACTER CAPABILITIES [/b][/h3] [b][u]~SKILLS~[/u][/b] -- [b]Sneaky Sneaky[/b]: Abe never won his battles through brute force - cleverness and the ability to stay very quiet was always his main weapon. With hollow bones, a short and slim body, eyes that can easily see in the pitch black and gentle feet, he is a careful and stealthy traveller - if he wants to avoid being spotted, then he's certainly good at it. -- [b]Speedy Speedy![/b]: Of course, Abe's other main skill has been running away from things. Very, very quickly. Oddworld is a dangerous place, and Abe's light-weight frame and powerful legs allow him to escape from danger with surprising (if usually noisy) speed. Capable of outrunning almost anything save an apex predator, on foot Abe can outrun nearly anyone - combined with his great leaping ability and seemingly endless stamina as well as the ability to curl into a small ball for tight spaces... well, if Abe wants to escape from danger, he usually doesn't have trouble with it. [b][u]~SPECIAL ABILITIES~[/u][/b] Abe, more so than many of his people, has a natural talent for the art of 'Chanting'. This strange power is seemingly unique to his people, and it allows them, through deep focus and a repeated, powerful melody, to reach out and alter the world with their minds. At the height of their power as a species, it seems that they used a wide variety of devices that were controlled and powered through chanting, but nowadays such technology is quite rare. Instead, Abe uses it for its more 'basic' uses - possessing minds and opening portals. -- [b]Possession[/b]: By focusing his mind as he charts, Abe is able to 'synchronize' his thoughts to another being and seize control of their body. While possessing a target, Abe's own body enters an almost comatose state and he cannot feel it or sense what it senses, but he gains full and overpowering control of his target - this ability can only be used on one creature at a time and seems to be limited to people or animals of some degree of mental strength: he can't possess worms or small animals, for example, but he can control a single large animal or sapient being. Should the host die, his own body returns to his control with no difficulty, and he can exit a host at any time - either fatally or without harming it. -- [b]Bird Portals[/b]: It's a little known fact that the Mudokons, rubbery skin aside, are actually related to birds. As the power of the chant seems to be linked to the Mudokon ancestors, it is only natural that it would synchronize especially well with birds. By chanting near flocks of birds, the birds will begin to synchronize with each other and with the melody, channeling energy to such a degree that it creates a portal, allowing instant travel to almost anywhere he can imagine - depending on his needs, Abe can make the portal stay open long enough for himself to enter it, or he can cause it to vanish instantly as soon as he stops chanting. ---- One side note is that, after arriving in this new land, it seems his power in this regard has weakened slightly. The bird portals can only link to places he has either been to directly or else at least has a very concrete knowledge of. [b][u]~Weaknesses~[/u][/b] -- [b]Deep Woe[/b]: While he generally doesn't think about it, Abe is constantly weighed down by the sadness he feels for his people. Since the destruction of Oddworld, this is heavier than before - he fears the loss of the world, of finally having found freedom and helping to start something good in the world, only to have it taken away. While he tries not to think about it, it can easily cloud his judgement and overwhelm him if he allows his negative thinking to become to strong. -- [b]Hollow Bones[/b]: While his light frame makes him quick and sneaky, it also leaves him fragile. Oddworld is notoriously dangerous, and in a straight up fight - either at range or in melee - Abe will lose almost every single time. Maybe if he's fighting a small child with no training he might succeed, but honestly it's kind of hard to say for sure. [h3] [b]INVENTORY & EQUIPMENT [/b][/h3] [u][b]~STARTING EQUIPMENT~[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]~CURRENTLY EQUIPPED GEAR~[/b][/u] -- Loincloth [u][b]~INVENTORY~[/b][/u] N/A [h3] [b]MEDALS AND ACCOLADES [/b] [/h3] [h3] [b]EXTRA[/b] [/h3] N/A [/hider]