You know, after reading through BnHA and consuming as much AssClass as possible without actually sitting down and watching it, I kind of have to wonder how things would have played out if we treated classes in a more "Japanese High School" Manner, where everyone's staying in the room as a unit the whole day and switches out teachers as opposed to rooms, classes, even grades and electives and such. It'd force the whole gang into one big ensemble, certainly, but I feel like that's also what makes the big casts of those works so fun. Everyone is forced to deal with and know eachother day in and day out, and thus get interconnected and the web of rapport between them grows and everyone grows as a unit. A rising tide lifts all boats, and all that. To speak of boats, the Strawhats in One Piece have a similar setting in the form of the Merry/Sunny. If your characters are stuck with eachother day in and day out, eventually they're gonna have to get to know eachother and form friendships pretty well. Not saying we should change anything up here, Crimmy and I worked way too fucking hard to get Dust Apps to be a thing, but it's kind of strange to me how little it feels like you see that form of a classroom setting in general on Guild. Feels almost like the merits are underappreciated and underexplored as a vehicle to tell a story together with. I could have used this energy to get Luke up, but I'll do that later tonight, I guess.