Comet had been sitting outside and had heard the announcement, but he thought someone else could handle it, and he was too busy thinking to notice anyone else leaving. [i]How am I going to do that and not have her kick my ass? Oh, I'll just run away! Genius![/i] Then a massive roar shook his body. With a confused grunt he stood and scratched his head, looking back into the room, he noticed that it was empty, completely. [i]Oh, I should probably head towards that sound then.[/i] He took off after the sound, running up a building and then leaping from rooftop to rooftop, his speed enough to carry him through the air as if he had been flying. He had no idea what he would find, but he was hoping it wasn't something too bad. He arrived at the scene five minutes later, standing on a tall building and looking down. Someone had obviously been wounded, as there was a pack of crouching people sitting close to the ground. There wasn't much he could do there, so he looked onward, ahead there was a large amount of... rat-things corralled in a circular area by a field of distorted air. That looked scary, not that it made him scared, he could always just run away. [i]Why do I keep thinking that? That's not very heroic, brain.[/i] Looking towards the nearby buildings, he decided to check for anyone within, he could easily evacuate them- No, they had been evacuated already. Comet really needed to pay better attention, now the news crew had tons of shots without him in them, that would definitely hurt his reputation, though arriving just in time would definitely bolster it exponentially. Though it seemed as if he had been too early for that as well, as the group seemed like they had it contained for the moment. With a sigh, he ran down the building and stopped at the perimeter, looking over the assembled heroes. Spectrum was down and being attended to, and everyone else was gathered around. Comet had no reason to be there, so he simply stood looking at the portals, waiting for them to collapse and the rats to pour out, they'd have to protect Spectrum while she got treatment, it shouldn't be hard for all of them, though if they didn't join him right about now it would be much harder. "Hey dumbasses, I know you've got a wounded soldier over there, but if you're not a healer or otherwise unable to fight, you should be over here for when they break through, standing there isn't going to be much use to her when they get to her and begin bashing her with... whatever they've got, I just got here I have no idea."