[@Penny] I don't think it's cowardice in itself, I think it's more that they know that if they instantly present their whole spectra of beliefs they may instantly be disregarded so they instead drip-feed their ideas to the other, which is much, much more successful. [@Dynamo Frokane] My country is actually in a very awkward position. We have a president who claims to be a nationalist and is called a far-right nationalist by many people but the fact is he outsources lots of jobs to the Chinese, makes huge land leases to them and brings in boat-loads of them, so that in some areas like Mogilyow there's more of them than Belarusian. However, he is also close to his 70s and while he does possess some of the james bond villain style of vigour that Putin has he will not be able to lead for too long; I predict his death in the 2030s by the latest, though he may well be dethroned earlier. The most likely results we are to see in the near future is 1) Caesar style coup where close officials seemingly friendly usurp him and make it a much more entrenched oligarchy or 2) we have our own style of Spanish civil war between our Nazbols and our traditional Nationalists. The most curious about both situations is that Russia and the West would be very interested in intervening, but they would be completely lost on how and what to do as well as which side they should be on. I will soon be living in... interesting times. I've already gone to Ukraine's warzone to get a taste of the stuff, but our conflict will be much more difficult to get through and understand.