[i]"Ye vould uin boer wischt o'th kairn yir wuthaad'er, hemanis."[/i] The voice of the beast came, loud enough to be heard but not booming enough to be intrusive, [i]"Yir kessentad borvir yir ru'un othwa."[/i] If anything the words were scathing remarks coming from a servant of the land. The very way one would speak down to a petulant child just before they would receive the switch for their behavior. For even if the duo could not understand the tremendous animal's words, as they likely could not, the way it presented them and the manner of which it carried itself in doing so had all the bearing in the world. It was not hate, instead unabashed primacy. For Lorenthar, people like these were prime targets outside this wood - that which belonged to the firbolgs - as not only were they disrespectful to the land by daring trespass, they sought nothing but to trap and capture anything they seemed to come across. For now though, as the great cat took one paw and crossed it atop another, it abstained from any further reaction; perhaps just how stupid they made themselves appear by rambling on would shut them up and render them truly silent so the tribe could go on with their day and their plans. Which of course came with looking to the elder, knowing full well he unquestionably understood the words that had been spoken. Of course, the druid nodded, knowing it was no longer his place either to add comment. One day, if not today, the feral soul would deal with this and if not him, another would. For now however, it found itself to standing, taking a gaze upon the company at hand. Perhaps later, maybe that same one day, it would return, but for now? Now it decided to go on its way for the time being. It provided the firbolg leader a soft nod of its head, overt enough for it to know that the great cat had elsewhere to be for the moment and stepped aside quietly. How or why it left, to an observer at least, might have been impossible to define, but soon it found itself out and away from this place. [hider=Translation and Effect] [i]Druidic[/i] [i]"You would have been wise to keep your mouths shut, outsiders."[/i] [i]"Your arrogance betrays your real nature."[/i] Lorenthar leaves the group. [/hider]