Comet was surprised for a moment by his new location, but he quickly realized what had happened. The transporter had mumbled softly, something he could never hope to hear, and then proceeded to vomit. Not only was that disgusting, but it was also a really bad sign. Just as the teleportation had moved him in an instant, he appeared in front of the teleporter, an angry look on his face. "Good, yeah, thanks for that, but seriously, drop the damn barrier before you kill yourself, I'm completely fresh, and I promise that I won't let anything happe-" The center of the horde of rats proceeded to explode in an admittedly impressive fashion. [i]Well, someone's getting the key to the city.[/i] Comet looked back at the woman, obviously struggling. With a bite of his lip, he held out his hand. "Hopefully that got them, for some reason I doubt it. Listen, I am a huge ass, I'll admit it, but you're hurting, even I can see that. You don't have any open wounds or bruising, so me moving you shouldn't do too much. I'll get you to a hospital, you've done enough," he offered, managing to avoid being a dick for a few sentences. [@Old Amsterdam]