[@Patches] [@MercuryNH] [@hefewy] Duff had hustled his way closer as the big knight had closed the gap, the result being that he was now able to hear and talk to his team mates. [color=82ca9d]"I was never one fer parties,"[/color] he said, scowling at the current events. To Daud, he nodded. [color=82ca9d]"Might have somethin' that could help."[/color] Pulling a pair of Voidstone cuffs out of one of his coat's many many pockets, he spun them around a finger on his free hand. [color=82ca9d]"Had these fer a few days... they were meant fer some Dweller. But y'know what? I reckon they'll fit that fuckin' wanker just fine, yeh think?"[/color] Taking cover behind Daud's stone slab, he slung the Calvary Special behind his back and drew his Type IX. The revolver would be bettter at these ranges anyways. [color=82ca9d]"Bleedin' magic,"[/color] the old soldier gruntly softly, barely audible, [color=82ca9d]"Sometimes I wish it never fuckin' existed in th'first place."[/color] [hr] [@Patches] [@Nashie] [@Blizzardofoz123] Astrid spun away into Mist as both her opponent attacked and Kordan shouted and let loose his fire across the desert. [color=a187be][i]We cannot be in a desert.[/i][/color] she thought, [color=a187be][i]It's an illusion or something.[/i][/color] Nonetheless, the fireball would clear rapidly, and Astrid would take the opportunity her teammate had provided. Still mist, she swiftly coalesced into an ominous haze to her attacker's left before actually appearing to the woman's right, twin blades singing wickedly as they carved through the air and hopefully her as well. A feint. It was something she was good at; attacking from a flank. Hopefully the move had caught Astrid's opponent off guard enough that she'd be able to go Mistform again before the Child got her bearings back. A few more attacks like that and she should be able to outmanuever this bitch.