Posted this in another thread. [quote]DC hero Guardian *has the Guardian suit from Supergirl *Captain America's powers but... *given to him temporarily by a serum like Patriot from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. *the guy is paralyzed like the main character of M.A.N.T.I.S. (1994-1995 Fox TV show) I just realized there is very little of him that is Guardian. Pretty much Guardian in name and appearance only.[/quote] Which made me think of M.A.N.T.I.S.' flying car. Which made me think wouldn't it be cool if the Guardian Mobile could fly. Which led me to post this and ask: [@The Kid Lantern] will you allow the Guardian Mobile to have flight capabilities? The above led me to this: Since there is a hero named Batwing, what does Batman call his Batwing vehicle now?