Star City - May, 17th 2045 This is the time and place that a team of vigilantes went back in time. Their mission is to stop the forces of Darkseid from taking over the planet. Their destination July, 20th 2017 this is the day that they will have the greatest chance of success to change their bleak future. So my idea is just that a group of Vigilantes (Meta-humans or not) from the future get dropped in the middle of Star City mere months before Darkseid attacks and all hell breaks loose. The way I wanna work this is fairly simple. We might encounter Oliver and co. However unless given permission by me through the OOC or pm only my Co-GM and I will be playing them. This is to attempt to keep some continuity with both the show and our RP. Unfortunately I do have some rules for characters if people are interested. - No Kyrptonians or Martians. This is due to the fact that those featured in Supergirl Are the only ones of their kind left alive. And for those getting smart, I have my next rule. -No character will be a clone of/ Relative of any DC superhero from within the Arrow-verse or the comics. (Alternate earth versions count as well.) -Limit 3 Metahuman abilities per character and they must be related to a single primary ability. So that equates out to One primary ability and two sub abilities based on said ability. [hider= Characters] [/hider] [hider= Character Sheets] Name: Gender: Age: Race: Home: Powers/Abilities Backstory/ Bio: [/hider]