I hate having to ask guys for posts. I really fucking do. I feel like I'm bothering or nagging them. It just sucks because this one guy and I used to swap posts multiple times a day, like hefty sized posts. And suddenly he barely posts once a week and I've had to ask for posts the last two times. It's just such a big change. He says he's busy which I understand but it's hard to hear it when I see him active enough without posting. I just don't like feeling like an obligation or chore or someone's mother. I always tell myself to just walk away if they're gonna ghost on me but some RPs are too good to give up on and it's very anxiety inducing. I'm probably gonna give this guy another day or two and then another message. If he's actually busy, I feel bad for asking. But if he's bored I'd like to fix the problem and not walk away from it. Argh...I hate feeling invested when my partner suddenly isn't. What do I do wrong, man? :/