[center]In collaboration with [@tanderbolt]. And [@Universorum] and [@Lovely Complex] on commentary. [img]http://imgur.com/hcco8bE.png[/img] [img]http://imgur.com/ElxfPf5.png[/img][/center] [hr] A slightly nervous Ian, now ready to go as Owen Sparks, stood behind the curtain. He gave his arms one final stretch before the shredding of the electric guitar in his theme song began. After Sexton’s insightful words from the week prior, Owen stepped out from behind the curtain, microphone in hand, and began to walk down the ramp of Shock ‘n’ Awe. [color=DAA520]“Los Angeles, how’s it going?!”[/color] The crowd gave cheers here and there, though none were as big as a proper, well-known wrestler like Caiden or Drayden. Listening to Sexton’s advice, Owen continued. [color=DAA520]“You know, I’ve always loved this place. California seems like the place to be, and I’m going to prove that I deserve to be here.”[/color] Owen walked up the steel stairs beside the ring and onto the apron. [color=DAA520]“Tonight, I face Kidd Neon.”[/color] He then went in between the middle and top ropes, and stepped into the center of the ring. [color=DAA520]“And Kidd Neon doesn’t deserve to be here. I am here to show you that I deserve to be in this championship tournament. I am going to prove-”[/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“And it looks like Kidd Neon doesn’t want to hear any of what Owen has to say. And, really, who can blame him? Two young upstarts are getting a chance to showcase their abilities here.”[/b][/color] The [url=https://youtu.be/7KgJSwX0yy0?t=8]auto-tuned voice of Kidd Neon’s theme song[/url] played over the arena’s loud speakers, interrupting Owen. Kidd Neon stepped out onto the ramp, throwing his hands up in the air as he looked out at the crowd. He made his way to the ring, looking like a psychedelic mess with his glowsticks and reflective strips on his pants, and also hiding the fact that he hated his theme music. Owen turned to face his opponent, shielding his eyes from the bright lights the boy produced. At the ring Kidd Neon approached Owen with a look of contempt on his face, and started speaking into the microphone. Owen held it out for Neon to speak, all the while wearing a nonplussed expression. [color=6ecff6]“I don’t belong here? I’ve traveled into higher states of consciousness and communed with the rave spirit that infuses our lifecore, yet you arrive on the scene and will take my place? You’re just like someone starting a rock band in 2017, an upstart with a stupid dream and no future.”[/color] Some boos came out after he took a cheap dig at the crowd’s musical tastes. [color=1f71dd][b]“Questionable music tastes aside, it’s time for Neon to prove his point. Does he belong here? The AWE fans don’t think so, and he’s only got this one shot to prove them wrong. Not even the passionate fans of our company from around the world could question if he belongs here if he won the AWE World Championship.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Dude, who cares about all that! What is he even ON? The rave spirit? Lifecore? As long as I don’t hear that bass drop again, we’re good.”[/b][/color] Owen couldn’t help but laugh at the verbal attack. [color=DAA520]“I’m sorry, I should rephrase that; you don’t belong anywhere near a wrestling ring, Neon. Your flashing lights give me migraines and your taste in music isn’t any better.”[/color] The crowd politely cheered at Owen’s insults, yet he wasn’t done. [color=DAA520]“And you think I’ve got a stupid dream, and that I’m going nowhere? Think again. I’m going places, places much higher than you ever have or will.”[/color] And with that, Owen dropped his mic, then battered Kidd Neon with a quick forearm. The crowd lit up at the sight of this, and cheers came from all over. Owen beckoned the referee into the ring, who rid the ring of the microphone, and rang the bell. [color=1f71dd][b]“And just like that, this match is underway! Let’s see what these two have for us tonight!”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Y’know, if Kidd actually drops Owen like he drops the bass, I [i]might[/i] expect more from him. Better bring the fire.”[/b][/color] Owen wasted no time following up the strike with a rather fake looking right hand, then pressed Neon against the ropes and jerked Neon’s arm towards him, irish whipping Neon to the ropes on the other side of the ring. Without slowing down, Owen ran after Neon, and as Neon turned to bounce off of the ropes, Owen’s right elbow had a rough collision with Neon’s jaw. Owen spun anti-clockwise out of the strike, then backed up to the ropes behind him, where he once more began running, using the ropes to propel himself at a right angle towards Kidd Neon. As Owen ran, Kidd Neon wrapped his arm around his upper torso and bent his knees, but then paused for a moment, realising the two had screwed up the timing, before pushing him back to the ropes and sending him bouncing off again. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at the defense mindset of Kidd Neon, shoving Sparks away just in time. It doesn’t get better than this.”[/b][/color] On the second approach, Neon got his arm in position and this time jumped into the air, taking Owen by his side with him as he completed the moonsault. Both wrestlers flew into the air and landed on the mat with a crash. Neon got up to his feet right after landing, and started mocking Owen as he laid on the mat, getting into his face and shouting at him. [color=#3eb489][b]“Hell to the yeah, ladies and gents. That’s why that mindset pays off. An effortless Energy Flash from the Kidd.”[/b][/color] Without missing a beat, Owen coiled up his legs and as Neon approached he stuck them out, kicking Neon in the stomach. The strike was admittedly a bit stiff, but as they had done many times before, both got into position for their next spot. Kidd Neon backed up into a corner, and Owen ran from the centre of the ring towards him. As Owen got close, he jumped, feet landing on Neon’s waist, and hands clutched his neck. Owen leant back, and as he dropped to the ground and Neon was above him, he kicked his feet up, attempting to monkey flip his opponent. The crowd got riled up for the potential for Owen to gain a quick victory, but those cheers were quickly silenced as Neon, easily flipped out of the hold and to his feet. Kidd Neon dropped down and rolled out of the ring, then standing and turning to the Los Angeles crowd, full of fans from his hometown and held his arms wide open, expecting to hear cheers from seeing one of their own in the big leagues. And the crowd did cheer, but not for the reason the boy expected. Owen, still inside the ring, bounced off of the ropes opposite to Neon and sprinted towards him. Owen dived in between the middle and bottom ropes, launching himself at Neon. The two both fell to the ground, but Owen quickly stood up to the cheers of many. He stuck a finger up in the air and spun it around, indicating “one more time”. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at the dive from Owen! Crazy athleticism from such a young talent. These two are both kids we’re sure to see around for a long time to come.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“AWE will make them great. Are we staring at our next champion? WE’LL SEE. They got a lot of competition out there, but at least they got spunk. I’ll give them that.”[/b][/color] Owen climbed back into the ring and jumped up to the turnbuckle closest to Neon. He positioned his feet in a way that would allow him to get a nice jump, but almost slipped doing so, having to bend down and hold onto the corner to stay in his precarious position. Neon slowly stood up and turned to face Owen, acting slightly dazed. As soon as he did, Owen leaped off of the turnbuckle, reaching a tremendous height before crashing down with a flying cross body. [color=1f71dd][b]“The height! The young lions are putting it all on the line for the entertainment of this crowd, and it’s awesome. We just might be looking at the next champion, don’t you think?”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“They ain’t got manes yet. I’ll wait and see what else they have in store for us.”[/b][/color] The landing was rough, and both wrestlers were definitely going to be bruised for the next week. As the two laid doing in a heap, Owen whispered to Kidd Neon. [color=DAA520]“Let’s go into the kicks next. Make sure to sell the dives, though.”[/color] Neither of the competitors were amazing at selling, but they were both smart enough to know that no-selling big outside dives like that was plain stupid. Owen picked his opponent up, and rolled him into the ring, going for a quick cover. The referee got down and began counting. One, two, and a quick shoulder up. As Owen was standing up, Neon rolled forward and threw out his legs, connecting against Owen’s head with the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAXnfNasarY]sole of his foot[/url]. Owen retaliated with a roundhouse kick, which Neon ducked under, but followed up with another kick with his other foot, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smAYRJR7uGc]all in one fluid motion[/url]. Neon shook his head and put one hand on his jaw after that impact, then frowned and ducked low for a sweeping kick that fell short, but he kept moving. Now he bounced up off the mat and turned onto his side, standing on one hand and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0S3L9gMXEc]hammering Owen straight in the temple[/url] with the tip of his foot. Owen tumbled to the side, but bounced off of the ropes behind him and jumped up, nailing Neon in the chin with a simple dropkick. As Neon was still reeling from the kick, Owen placed his hands beside his head and kicked up from his back, flipping onto his feet, then quickly placed one foot on Neon’s hip, and swung the other towards Neon on the other side of his body, connecting with a solid enziguri. [color=1f71dd][b]“Kick after kick after kick. I didn’t even know there were so many different ways to kick… learn something new every damn day.”[/b][/color] [color=#3eb489][b]“Like a BRUCE LEE MOVIE, WADE! Shi---”[/b][/color] [color=1f71dd][b]“Chill man, chill.”[/b][/color] Kidd Neon tumbled down landing flat on his side, shaking and writhing to sell the impact as he laid on the ground next to the turnbuckle. Owen saw an opportunity and started to pick up speed, holding his arm out like he was ready for an elbow drop. Neon jumped to his feet before Owen reached him, then lept onto the second rope and flung himself into the air. He dove over the head of Owen Sparks and wrapped one arm around his neck, then in one swinging motion brought him down to mat headfirst. After a quick taunt consisting of doing the famous Melbourne Shuffle beside Owen as he lay collapsed on the ground, Kidd Neon helped him up only to send him into the ropes with an irish whip. Neon started running the ropes himself, sliding under Owen’s legs as the first passed each other, then leaping into the air and wrapping his legs around his head as the crossed paths again on the return trip. Both wrestlers spun around as the grip of Neon’s legs held tight around Owen’s neck, then Neon reached his arms over and wrapped up one [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8cDyCcg_BA]Owen’s arms as he released his main grip[/url]. Again Owen’s face smacked the canvas as they hit the ground, and Kidd Neon wrenched the arm back as he returned to his feet. Still gripping the arm, Neon stepped over it with one leg and wrapped it around the other leg as he spun around. He dived over Owen, grabbed hold of his shoulder in the middle of the roll, before landing and pinning him to the mat. With a leg entangling one of Owen’s arms and his arms cradling the other side, Neon had [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkYlNW6_ARU]solid leverage for the pinfall[/url]. The referee knelt down to count the pin, shouting one, two then a sloppy kick out from Owen. The referee had to pull his arm away at the last minute as he almost counted the three. Both wrestlers backed away to opposite corners, taking a moment to rest, prepare for the finish to the match, and allow the crowd to start up a chant. [color=1f71dd][b]“Look at that offense, just unbelievable the way he can maneuver like that. So impressive, are these young wrestlers, full of heart and energy and ready to prove to the world that they’re the best around.”[/b][/color] [color=888888] “Let’s go Owen! Owen sucks! Let’s go Owen! Owen sucks!” [/color] [sub][color=#3eb489][b]“Let’s go Owen…. Owen sucks.”[/b][/color][/sub] Owen smiled at the sound of the chants, and laughed when Neon acted offended. [color=DAA520][i]“Wait, he probably is offended. Oops.”[/i][/color] Owen then gave a tiny, inconspicuous nod to Neon, and Neon nodded back, signifying the two were both ready. With that, Owen ran towards Neon, jumping and attempting to clothesline him into the corner. However, Neon ducked and rolled out of the way, making Owen faceplant into the top turnbuckle. Owen turned around so he was facing away from the corner, and Neon repeated Owen’s action, landing with the clothesline. Neon then grabbed Owen by the shoulders, who lifted a knee into Neon’s stomach. Owen then grabbed Neon and spun him around so he was in the corner. Next, he aided Neon in climbing up so he was sitting on the top turnbuckle. Owen took a few steps back before charging forward and stepping up with his left foot on the middle turnbuckle, then jumping up and kicking Neon in the temple with one more enziguri. Owen landed flat on his back but quickly stood back up, catching Neon sideways as he wobbled around and fell of the turnbuckle. From this, Owen walked to the centre of the ring, directly facing the hard camera. Some of the members of the crowd stood up and cheered, knowing this was the beginning of the end. Owen spun Kidd Neon clockwise, letting go of him with his left hand and dropping to one knee, allowing Neon’s back to fall onto that knee for a picture perfect [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCU-zTGPANA]Swinging Backbreaker[/url]. If there was one thing these two were good at, it was selling each other’s finishers. As Neon writhed in pain on the mat, Owen stood in front of and looking away from him, then quickly jumped backwards into a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7x1QYiZ4mM]Standing Corkscrew Moonsault[/url], then remained on top of Neon to the referee’s count of three. [color=#3eb489][b]“Sparks got HOPS!”[/b][/color] Right as the referee slapped the mat for the last part of the count, Neon burst up with one shoulder, just too late to avoid losing. He didn’t clear it with Owen first, but the result was the same, Owen had won. [color=1f71dd][b]“And just like that, Owen has advanced in the tournament! Can he make it all the way? Stay tuned to find out.”[/b][/color] Owen slowly rose up to his feet, then allowed the referee to raise his factor at the victor. Before his theme started up once more, Owen grabbed a microphone from one of the guys standing on the outside of the ring. [color=DAA520]“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is proof. I don’t care who’s next, because I am on my way to the top!”[/color] Neon made a show of making an angry face and staring down Owen, but ultimately said nothing before walking off. [hr]