[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fRbhGhK.png[/img][/center] Though his mild convulsions had finally calmed down, Genya would soon come to realize the hellish inferno that he now found himself in. [color=DC143C]"You bastard..."[/color] he would mutter under his breath as he tried to get a hold of himself. To make matters worse, the devil himself sent a large, brutal demon to collect his innocent soul. But if the others were in danger, surely their souls were innocent as well, Genya thought. While he was indeed plagued by madness and he had just injected himself with what could have been an addling poison, there was no way this was a hallucination. The fear that could be seen in others at the bar was all too real, and different from their usual mocking grimace that he sees them with. Though he still felt physically irritated, he would attempt to flip the table they were sitting next to, in order to make a makeshift barricade opposite to the ogre in front of them. This would obviously not hold against such a large beast but Genya had hoped the various stimuli from the fire and other patrons running about in panic would help conceal the presence of those hiding alongside him. If he could find a bottle of any liquor lying on the ground, he would not hesitate to grab it right about now as well. Liquid courage goes far in times of trouble, after all. [color=DC143C]"The gods are testing me... Do any of you intend to leave here tonight alive? Because we might just need each other to do so."[/color] Genya would pull a concealed butterfly knife from his pockets, indicating to the others that he was ready to take the ogre on when it came down to it.