[center][color=a0410d][h2]Tamrin | Cell 095 [/h2][/color] The first thing Tamrin became aware of was the thrum of ship's engines. Instinctively, before even opening his eyes, he reached out with the Force in an attempt to ascertain his surroundings. It was second nature and a skill he had honed since a very young age. And yet..... there was nothing. Nothing met his senses. Slowly, gingerly, Tamrin pulled himself into a sitting position and opened his eyes, taking stock of the chains binding his hands and ankles, the dim light, the meager food set before him, the cadence of a ship in motion. He blinked tightly, listening and reaching out with the Force again. Nothing. Tamrin couldn't feel anything in the Force. The Force was gone, severed from his awareness completely. His stomach lurched at the thought of permanence, but he fought against that feeling, shaking his head at himself. [i]"Don't despair,"[/i] he muttered to himself. Keep calm, stay rational, and find the source. For there had to be one, something that was actively cutting him off. He stretched his legs as best he could in his position, eyeing the tray of food with disgust. Eating meat was certainly allowed among his order, but they had certain conditions that had to be met, certain rites of respect to the animal that had been killed. Personally, Tamrin didn't care for it, but if it was the only option.... No. He didn't know what had been put into the food. He was still trying to shake off the stupor and after-effects of the stun weapons- [b]"Wake up maggots! We're almost at the game grounds. You're gonna want to be in top condition when we land. Hehehehe..."[/b] Tamrin bristled and pulled himself to his knees, glaring at the closed door. He would get out of here, and when he did, he would find the owner of that voice. And then- [i]"Anyone else there?"[/i] Tamrin cut his train of thought off immediately, honing in on the second voice. Younger, quieter than the first, but still strong. And potentially across the hall from him. [i]"Where are we? Are you one of them?"[/i] came a second voice. Even quieter. Certainly female, and a little farther away. And definitely frightened, by the sound of her. A part of him wanted to wait to hear what else was said, but after only a second he found himself clearing his throat against the collar. [color=a36209]"We're definitely on a ship."[/color] He had to clear his throat again, his voice unexpectedly hoarse. [color=a36209]"My name is Tamrin,"[/color] he offered up to the walls around him. [color=a36209]"Are you all right?"[/color] [/center]